My apologies for not posting anything in a while. After getting the flu the week before last, I didn't do anything interesting enough to blog about. But now, after a week of being healthy (although I think I'm getting sick again), I finally have something interesting to share.
1. The husband and I went to a nice Asian place for dinner last night for an early Valentine's Day dinner. Food was good and the atmosphere was pretty cool, except for the fact that I was literally 6 inches away from the table next to us. But the bad news was I had to limit my water intake because I couldn't leave the table without a waiter coming to slide the table out so I'd have enough room to exit.
2. Another fun story from the dinner -- the table next to us (the one that was 6 inches away) had a couple on their first date. I happened to overhear some of their conversation (I was sitting closer to the girl at that table than I was to my husband), but it was so boring! The girl was talking about some exercise she did at the gym and then about a conversation she had with her mom and sister about turkey salad. The guy she was with looked so bored and just kept staring at his plate while she was talking. Then the bill came and the guy put his credit card down and the waiter took it to process the card. The waiter comes back two minutes later, whispers with the guy, and points to the card. His card's been declined! It must be so embarrassing for that to happen on a first date. He went to the back with the waiter and must have figured it out, but his date was sitting there for like 5 minutes just waiting for the whole payment situation to be figured out. I wonder if that fiasco will prevent him from getting a second date.
3. As the husband and I were driving to work, we saw a guy shaving his neck in his car. Gross. He was literally driving and holding the razor to his skin. One, that seems really dangerous. Two, what's he going to do about the bits of facial hair that are probably now on his shirt. Three, doesn't it hurt to shave one's face without shaving cream?
Anyway, that's about the only interesting things I have to share. Hopefully I'll have better stories soon.