About Me

I'm just a girl living in Los Angeles, geeky at heart but trying to fit into the stylish city that is now my home.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Avenge of the Nerds

I like action movies, so when the husband invited me to watch Avengers with his company (they rented out a theater the first day it came out), I agreed to come (not that I really had a choice).  I was even excited, since action movies are fun and I like free stuff.

So the husband and I got to the theater ahead of the bus from the office so we could get good seats, we got some nachos and diet coke, and we were good to go.

And then the movie started.  The first scene opened with Black Widow, and everyone clapped.  Then she went to get the Hulk, and everyone clapped again.  And again and again as each new Avenger was introduced.

Every time something funny happened, everyone clapped.

Every time the Hulk punched someone, everyone clapped.

Every time the Avengers shot down an Norse alien attacker, everyone clapped.

By the end of the movie, I was crossing my arms every time people started clapping.  It got really annoying!  I couldn't hear the dialogue (yes, it's an action movie, and yes, I still want to hear what they're saying).

It was a free movie though... so I suppose I can't really complain :)


  1. That's when you have to start busting some kneecaps.

    1. And you can I can take any one of them DOWN.
