About Me

I'm just a girl living in Los Angeles, geeky at heart but trying to fit into the stylish city that is now my home.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Jason Wu for Target

I tried to be cool, I really did. I showed up at Target about 20 minutes before they opened, was about number 50 in line, and I had my list of items I wanted to try on from the Jason Wu collection. And then they let us all in and all the tall people ran over me and reached over my head so I couldn't get any of the items I wanted.

I grabbed a few things in my size, none of which I really liked or that fit me well. I did manage to grab a purse from my list. However, I realized, I probably would never carry the purse and decided I didn't want it. Rather than hanging on to it to use as a bargaining chip to get the dress I wanted, I gave it to a random girl who offered me a bunch of random stuff in my size -- none of which I actually wanted. So that was a waste. Clearly I'm not a good negotiator, but at least I learned what to do next time -- grab everything I can and hunt down people I can trade with.

Not that I'm going to go to the store next time. I might just sit on my computer at midnight and constantly hit refresh until the items I want pop up online. Showing up in person = totally not worth it. I could have slept in, and not woken up at 7 am to drive 15 minutes to Target. Or I have to send my sister -- it looks like the clothing collection was much less popular at Atlanta Targets.

I did refresh the Target website several times today, and one of the dresses I really wanted came back in stock. I'm eagerly waiting for it to show up but I'm expecting the sizing to be weird. I'm almost hoping it doesn't look good so I can return it and spend my money on something else, but I have to give it a shot.

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