About Me

I'm just a girl living in Los Angeles, geeky at heart but trying to fit into the stylish city that is now my home.

Monday, August 29, 2011

African Beat class

So this week, I mixed it up by taking an African Beat class instead of Zumba. That and I woke up early and didn't want to make up the same mistake I made last time (spending an hour hanging out and then going to Zumba hungry).

I'm glad I tried out the class! A lot of the basic motions were similar to things I had done in Kuchupudi (a classical Indian dance style), but the way they were done were so different. I feel like Kuchupudi was very controlled and the movements were almost stiff. With the African dancing though, everything seemed so fluid, but still controlled. The teacher was absolutely amazing and her body would just move so smoothly and easily. When she flung her arms around, it seemed so casual and fluid, but every time, her hands would end in the exact same place. I looked nowhere as graceful, but by the end of the class, I got a sense of how to be fluid and relaxed while dancing, and I think I danced decently well.

My neck hurts though. I must have thrown it around too much while dancing :)

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