About Me
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Robotics girls!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Arts and Crafts
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Latest celebrity sighting
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Camo colors
Cotillion and Conan
Friday, September 16, 2011
Another celebrity sighting
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
African Beat class
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Good day, bad day.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Zumba, hey!
Friday, August 19, 2011
My latest celebrity sighting
So it wasn't really a sighting because it was sort of intentional, and it wasn't really a celebrity but it was still cool. I volunteer at Dress for Success, and I led their Donation Day last weekend. It turns out that people from Style Network (who have *awesome* shows like Jerseylicious and How do I look?) were volunteering at Donation Day because Style Network does a ton of stuff with Dress for Success. One woman showed up with her daughter and only stayed for 30 minutes. I gave her a tour of the office and showed her how we sort and hang up donations. And then after she left, I found out that she's the president of Style Network. Pretty legit job :) So she's famous-ish, and I'm sure she's been to all of the red carpet events, which makes her somewhat of a celebrity. And she was responsible for my two favorite Style Network shows, so she's somewhat of a personal hero.
My latest celebrity sighting
So it wasn't really a sighting because it was sort of intentional, and it wasn't really a celebrity but it was still cool. I volunteer at Dress for Success, and I led their Donation Day last weekend. It turns out that people from Style Network (who have *awesome* shows like Jerseylicious and How do I look?) were volunteering at Donation Day because Style Network does a ton of stuff with Dress for Success. One woman showed up with her daughter and only stayed for 30 minutes. I gave her a tour of the office and showed her how we sort and hang up donations. And then after she left, I found out that she's the president of Style Network. Pretty legit job :) So she's famous-ish, and I'm sure she's been to all of the red carpet events, which makes her somewhat of a celebrity. And she was responsible for my two favorite Style Network shows, so she's somewhat of a personal hero.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
What happened last weekend
- Harry Potter Friday night with some new friends (The pre-movie dinner had the most amazing chocolate baklava... too bad the husband ate most of it.) My favorite part of the movie was the Snape backstory -- it was done so well!!
- Coworkers' going away party -- yummy sangria and amazing chicken tandoori (I got the box that the spice mix came in so I can make a paneer version). We left before the drinking games got started so we could make our reservation for...
- Dinner in Hollywood (no famous people, sort of meh food) -- a few of my dishes in no particular order were grits with mushrooms, passion fruit tart (would have been great if not for the coconut that was infecting it) and potato soup (the most redeeming dish). I was really hoping for some macaroni and cheese, but no dice. The husband was much more impressed with his food at least.
- Getty Center (pictures coming) -- We came here to see an exhibition on the "Gods of Angkor Wat" (basically Cambodian versions of Hindu gods and Buddha), and we got to the Getty and realized that the whole exhibit took up a space the size of a dorm room. There was a total of 20 little statues. So disappointing. The rest of the Getty was nice, if a little crowded. I want to go back, but perhaps on a Saturday after 5 pm when parking is free and we can eat dinner at the cute restaurant there with a great view.
- Mad Men -- The husband and I realized that Mad Men was available from Season 1 on Netflix instant demand so we started watching it. It's a little slow, but it's fascinating. I also love the clothes, and really wish I could dress like that every day.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Carmageddon Update
I'm debating venturing out during the Carmageddon v2.0 next year, since it would be a great time to drive places that usually take forever to get to. I just don't know if everyone else will have the same idea...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Blue Skies in Michigan
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Long Awaited Update

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Yay for food
The husband and I found our love for passionfruit in Hawaii. We were driving around in Kauai to get to our hotel from the airport and we were hungry, so we stopped by a roadside stand to get some guavas. The fruitseller gave us a free sample of passionfruit, and from that taste, we were hooked. We bought four or five passionfruit which we ate immediately afterwards in the car.
We bought several more passionfruits in the stores around the hotel where we were staying, but none of them were nearly as good as the first ones we had -- actually most of them were overly sour and too seedy to be tasty. It was rather disappointing.
Anyway, I apologize for being very flaky in my posting and I will have a new post soon, I promise.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Vogue-Inspired Fashion "Memoir"
I spent most of my early years wearing whatever my parents bought for me. However, even given those limitations, I still found myself drawn to some key pieces that I still remember. My first favorite piece was a light blue dress, with pleated, gauzy sleeves, and a full pleated skirt. After I lovingly wore it for every party for years, I passed it on to my sister who wore it the same gusto. The next outfit I remember cherishing was a long-sleeved black velvet top with ruching paired with a pair of white jean shorts printed with small multicolored flowers. I wore it one summer to a spelling bee (which I of course won), but I don't know how I managed to wear long-sleeved velvet, in black no less, in the middle of an Atlanta summer.
I also remember a period in 6th or 7th grade, where I wore leggings everyday. I mixed up my Monday - Thursday leggings, but every Friday, I wore purple patterned leggings with a long-sleeve purple t-shirt, purple being my favorite color because it was my friend Megan's favorite color (I looked up to here even back then).
My first foray into defining my own sartorial sense was during a trip to India when I was 14. The rest of my Indian clothes were all picked by my parents during their more frequent trips or given as gifts by my relatives. So during this particular trip, our parents took my sister and I to a shop in Madras/Chennai to pick out selvars/churidars (basically a long top with pants). I remember we spent a while trying to decide what we wanted. I finally settled on a dark red cotton selvar with wide-legged pants, which were just becoming de rigueur at the time. It was a soft cotton, as opposed to the shinier polyester which everyone in India seemed to love for its flashiness. The embroidery was the same dark red as the fabric, a huge step from the rest of the multicolored selvars I owned. Even the dupatta, or sash, was relatively minimalistic -- white crepey cotton with a dark red elegant floral pattern. I loved this to pieces -- and still do. I wore it as often as I could, washing it as infrequently as possible to preserve the color. I know realized that it fit me poorly (but as well as the rest of my Indian clothes) but I loved the simplicity and restraint of it. I still have it and try to wear it, even though the fabric has faded several shades and the embroidery is finally apparent as a result.
I looked back at some pictures of me during college, and while I thought back then I hadn't developed a sense of style, I see pieces and outfits that speak to the ladylike minimalism I am drawn to now. Even as a college student not used to spending money on clothes, I was drawn to pieces simple in coloring, but with some unique detail. I visited Chicago or New York once in college, and went straight to the H&M. There wasn't one in Atlanta at the time so whatever I picked up there would be one of a kind when I got home. I found this black cotton one-shouldered top. I loved its simplicity and uniqueness. That was my birthday top that year.
I spent some time earlier this year trying to shop for patterns to make my wardrobe a little less boring, but I've realized I just really like simplicity. Polka dots or stripes -- or the occasional watercolor or floral -- are about as bold as I will go. I also really like neutrals, but I'm trying to be better about branching out from black (at some point a few years ago I had 7 or 8 black dresses and 1 white one, and nothing else).
I find this more challenging when it comes to Indian clothes. Most of what I find -- especially in the smaller cities of South India -- tend to be colorful. I think the sensual silhouettes that define Indian clothing, especially saris, are elevated when they are designed in simple colors and patterns. Monochromatic saris really show off the intricacy of the draping and accentuate the figure that the sari creates. A family friend of mine gave me a purple silk sari edged in orange as an engagement present. I was initially skeptical of the color combination, but when I wore it, the simplicity of the design worked really well with the contrasting colors. The orange strip at the border replaced the traditional gold-embroidered border, and the patterns were woven into the fabric as a texture, rather than as a color. Ironically, this is one of my favorite saris now, but there are few occasions I can wear it to; unfortunately, even though it's made of a beautiful fabric, it's not blingy enough to fall into the category of "Indian formalwear."
I also remember being in an Indian beauty pageant between high school and college. Most of the girls, including me, wore their fanciest outfits for the Indian clothes portion. One girl stood out though -- she walked out in a beautifully draped, plain red sari -- no border, nothing. She really stood out because you could really see her, rather than the clothes. I'm still inspired by that outfit, and dream of buying a plain red sari on one of my trips to India.
Okay, I'm done rambling and boring y'all. Thanks for reading =)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Latest (but not really greatest) celebrity sighting
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Scary looking shoes

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Outfit of the Day

I'm pretty proud of it actually. I think the sweatshirt made it more casual, and the two patterns worked together well. I do think I need higher waisted shorts though. These are probably 5 years old at this stage and a little out of date, but I think it's good enough.
So I wore it to a Society of Women Engineers event at Banana Republic where the sales people were giving advice on business casual outfits. I got some advice once how to match earrings and necklaces without looking "matchy matchy." Basically pick the same metal and make sure that the colors in each piece play off each other. Not super useful advice but at least it's a start. The rest of the event was a little less useful. The store didn't have a petites section so I couldn't even buy anything. It was fun to hang out with SWE people though.
Gnats are gnasty
I haven't had to deal with gnats since high school marching band camp. We'd have to stand outside for hours in the heat with gnats flying around our face, and we couldn't even move and our hands were holding the instruments so we couldn't swat them away from my face.
Anyway, I'm hoping the gnats go away soon.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Weekend with the sister
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Girl Scouts
Garage Sales and Art Fairs
During my run yesterday, I saw a sign advertising a neighborhood yard sale, so after eating breakfast and unsuccessfully waiting for the heating guy to show up, I drove over to the garage sale. I figured that given the garage sales was in Santa Monica and advertised "Designer Clothes," I would get a good selection of furniture and jewelry to choose from.
On the way, I saw 2 or 3 other garage sales that I stopped and took a look at. I was tempted to buy an antique end table/credenza thing but I was scared to commit to furniture before I had figured out how I want to decorate our place. When I finally got to the advertised one, it was only three families' worth of stuff -- not as big as I had hoped, but I got a few good things there. I got 3 comic books for the husband's collection, a 1940's wind-up pocket watch, 2 cameo brooches, and a cameo locket for $15. Oh, and "Angela's Ashes" in almost brand new condition for $1. Not bad, I think (pictures below). I'm going to try to make one of the brooches into a pendant, since I've been wanting a cameo necklace for quite a while.

I also went to a local art fair this morning down the street and picked up a pair of silver earrings for $12. I think I need more subdued earrings since I lot of what I have right now was picked up at The Icing and is huge, dangly, and full of sparkly colored stones -- not really work appropriate.

Now that the weather is getting better, I'm hoping to check out more garage sales and maybe get some antique-y furniture for our place.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Ups and downs at work
After finally landed in SF, things got better for a little while -- the client meeting went really well -- but spiraled downwards as we got stuck in crazy traffic on the way back to the office. A car hit some power lines and so they closed all the lanes going north, and some of the lanes going south as we were. And since I had to take the same freeway north to get to the airport I was stressing out about how to get back to the airport to fly home that night. My coworker was nice enough to drive me to the BART station so I could take the train one stop to the airport, and as she dropped me off, she recommended that I go to the airport and have a drink, which I promptly did. But since I hadn't really had much of a lunch, the wine hit me pretty hard and after half a glass I was getting tipsy and sleepy. Totally unacceptable -- I really need to build my tolerance back up.
I finally got home and got into bed around 11 pm, and I'm still recovering from that really long day. I know I wasn't working most of the time since I was sleeping or reading a magazine on the plane, but it was just a lot of travel and stress and being awake. I'm looking forward to recuperating this weekend.
P.S. It turns out those downed power lines were actually phone lines. Better safe than sorry, but still, it completely shut down a major freeway for like 4 hours.
Springtime outfit

On another note, I finally got rid of my blush, which I've had for almost 14 years. I got it as a present in 8th grade for my awkward Indian ceremony (when I got my period). Yes, there really is a ceremony when that happens, and yes, it's really embarassing. One of my mom's friends who came had two sons that I went to school with, and one was in my grade. That was excruciatingly embarassing. Luckily the sons didn't come but still, they probably knew what the ceremony was for. Ugh.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Gross smelling kitchen products
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Style Transformations
Stressful weekend
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Recipe: Bitter Gourd with Tamarind
2-3 medium size bitter gourd
1 tbsp tamarind paste
1 1/2 tbsp sambar (South Indian chili powder mix -- can substitute with plain chili powder)
1 tbsp salt (add as needed to get the spice on the front of your tongue and bring out the sourness)
1/2 tbsp brown sugar or jaggery
1/4 cup water
For popu:
1 tsp black mustard seeds
1/2 tsp hing/asofoetida
5-6 curry leaves
1 tbsp vegetable oil or sesame oil
- Slice bitter gourd into 1/4 inch rounds.
- Heat the oil in the saucepan until very hot. If you are using sesame oil, it will take longer for it to heat up. Add one mustard seed. If it starts to splutter, add the rest of the mustard seeds. If it doesn't, wait a few minutes and then try again.
- After the mustard seeds splutter for a minute, add the hing and the curry leaves, and mix for 20-30 seconds. Try not to let the curry leaves burn.
- Add the bitter gourd and cook until it starts to get dry and begins to brown. It's important to cook it enough to get some of the bitterness out.
- Add the water and tamarind paste. Stir and mix well.
- Add the sambar powder, salt, and brown sugar/jaggery. Stir and mix well.
- While the gravy is still watery, taste and adjust as needed. If there is no flavor except maybe bitterness on the front of your tongue and the aftertaste is spicy, add salt. If you only get bitterness and no aftertaste, add more sambar powder. You may also need more salt but add the sambar powder first. If it's too spicy or sour, add some more brown sugar.
- Serve hot with rice.
Remember that celebrity...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Target Dresses and Indian Food
1. I went to Target the first day they had their Designer Collaboration re-release and I bought 4 dresses (of which I will keep 2-3). I'm very excited. I rarely buy stuff full price, but given that this is limited edition, I was willing to fork over the whole $40. I will probably write about the dresses in a later post.
2a. I cooked some good Indian food. Well, mostly good. I found some fresh okra at the Indian store and I was inspired to try a new recipe. I spent 20 minutes mincing onion really finely for a North Indian stuffed okra recipe, but by the time the okra actually cooked to an edible texture, the onions had burnt into a blackened mass on the bottom of the skillet. Sad. The okra was still good though.
2b. I also made bitter gourd with tamarind sauce. I absolutely love bitter gourd. It is, as its name suggests, really bitter, but with the right hot and sour sauce (the aforementioned tamarind plus chili powder plus other spices), the bitterness is tempered and you get a healthy bunch of goodness. Instead of using frozen bitter gourd as I usually do, I actually found some beautiful fresh bitter gourd at the Indian store, which results in a much crispier dish. Mmmmm looking forward to eating those leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
On another note, I had another celebrity sighting -- and this was one I sought/sighted/saw myself. We were walking out of a restaurant and I was looking around at all the people because I felt sorely underdressed. And then tucked away in a corner near the entrance I saw a familar face with blond hair and a weird nose. I did a double take and realized it was Owen Wilson. Not wanting the husband to miss out on the sighting (he missed the first one), I turned around and hissed "Hey, look, it's Owen Wilson to your right." Luckily, he was able to see him =) I'm pretty proud of myself for noticing a celebrity. I feel like I'm generally too oblivious to notice these things.
Lastly, to finish off this post revealing my true dorky sensibilities, I spent some time earlier today making a weight loss spreadsheet for my husband. I made graphs, I added a moving BMI counter, and I used index/match functions to link everything together. I'm pretty proud of myself actually. My husband, who's made his own share of Excel models, thought I'd downloaded the spreadsheet and didn't believe me when I told him I made it myself. So since it's not copyrighted or anything, let me know if you want the spreadsheet and I can send it to you. I'm hoping it will be useful and help him reach his goal.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Random facebook stalking
1) I look really young without any eye makeup. Note to self.
2) My sense of style really hasn't changed since college. I'm still drawn to things like cardigans and camisoles, and button downs with shorts, and really feminine pieces. I never realized that until today. I assumed I had evolved. Oops, well, I guess you can't improve on something perfect. =D
So my bff N sent me a link to an Hermes pdf showing different ways to wear scarves. I don't have any scarves that fall softly the way I think a superexpensive Hermes silk scarf does, but I'm trying to see if I can incorporate scarves into my outfits. I'll post when I do.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
First business trip and first client presentation
A very late update on the weekend
Monday, February 14, 2011
Interesting tidbits
Monday, January 31, 2011
Another celebrity
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My first REAL celebrity sighting!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Style transformation
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Those Brits
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
DineLA Restaurant Week
- Spago - Wolfgang Puck's restaurant - It's supposed to be good; all I'm hoping is that it's better than his airport restaurants.
- XIV by Michael Mina - Michael Mina is a little overrated, but I'm willing to go there for restaurant week.
- Nobu - I keep hearing about it on TV so I really want to go... it's not really vegetarian friendly but I'll find something to eat.
- Gordon Ramsay West Hollywood - I don't know anything about him as a chef, but I love Hell's Kitchen (and I think the food quality here would be more consistent than if I tried to eat at Hell's Kitchen during filming).
- Katsuya - I've already been here (see post here) but I hope to redeem myself by dressing appropriately this time. And it's down the street, so...